Culture, Interests, Life

Perfect Peace

Fig 09 12 2019 06 34 12 1

For others, it is difficult to have the Christmas that you long for because of financial reasons. The holidays are supposed to be a time of rejoicing, so how can one stay calm in the midst of the holiday stress?

I believe that help can be found in this passage from the book of Isaiah. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” Peace is not the absence of conflict or war; it is a calmness that cannot be disturbed by what is happening around you. Only God can give you a peace that passes all understanding; a peace that is not disturbed when the holiday dinner does not go as planned; a peace that is not shaken when a relative speaks before thinking.

I want to challenge you to keep your mind steadfast, unwavering, resolved on the Lord. As you keep your focus on Him, your problems will not disappear, but how you see your problems will begin to change. God will become greater and greater and you will realize how small your problem is in comparison with God. Remain focused on the Lord. He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. He, and only He, can give you perfect peace. Trust Him.

source : Faith Community Church milist

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